Folio Logs
Sometimes it is important to find out by whom, when, and why a folio has been changed or created. You can find the logs in the Audit/Log section and get much information out of it. To access it, follow these steps:
Accessing the Logs
- Open the Audit/Logs section in Apaleo.
- By default, the last used folios are shown in the list.
- To search for a specific folio, use the Folio ID field or the filters through the Filter button. Here you can filter by User, Action, and Date.
Viewing Log Details
- Now you can see the log for a specific folio including all needed information, like the timestamp, which user changed it and what action has been done
- You can easily access the folio through the three dots on the right side and for example work further on it or correct the changes
- As a last point you are also able to 'Export' the document as PDF for documentation or training purposes
Exporting Logs
Additionally, you can Export the document as a PDF for documentation or training purposes.