Availability Screen
The Availability screen in Apaleo gives you an overview of all unit group types, the unit availability count for each unit group, and the occupancy percentage of the house for each day for the chosen duration.
Furthermore, Apaleo highlights the overbookings when you have either allowed overbookings and/or possible overbookings for the given unit group type.
The background color visually represents the availability and occupancy. The higher the occupancy percentage of the unit group on a given day, the lower the color fill.
Choose the appropriate time slice, for example, day use or overnight when looking for availability.
When you expand each unit group, it presents you with a detailed occupancy status of its inventory for the chosen time slice for that duration.
Similarly, when you expand the Occupancy section, it presents you with a detailed occupancy status of the inventory at the overall property level.
Understanding the Numbers in this Report
- House count: Number of units physically available reduced by the units placed as 'Out of Inventory' for that given period.
- Out of order: Number of units placed as 'Out of Order' at least once per business day.
Sold: Number of units sold per business day, i.e., the sum of regular reservations and picked reservations from confirmed blocks.
Note: Sold count also deducts the number of units sold as part of indirect bookings. Indirect bookings occur when one unit group has been originally booked for a reservation, but the reservation is allocated to a unit belonging to a different unit group due to multiple reasons.
For example, when a reservation was made for a single unit group but during the unit assignment if the reservation was assigned to a double unit for whatsoever reason, then the Sold count will be added as +1 for double and reduced as -1 for single.
Also please note that, if you sell one unit twice on a certain business day, e.g. once as day-use and once as overnight, then this unit is only counted once.
- Allowed Overbooking: Number of allowed overbookings defined for that given duration. i.e., the number of units added or removed from a unit group on the availability screen without touching the physical inventory.
You can also see the allowed overbooking number (positive/negative) highlighted on the availability screen at the unit group level, with the actual availability next to it. e.g. or
Visit the page for more guidance on overbooking.
- Blocks >> Definitely blocked: The number of units "definitely" blocked for a confirmed block, including picked up as well as not picked up.
- Blocks >> Picked: The number of units picked up for the reservations out of confirmed blocks.
- Blocks >> Remaining: The number of units yet to be picked up for the reservations out of confirmed blocks.
- Blocks >> Tentatively blocked: The number of units tentatively blocked and awaiting confirmation from potential guests.
- Occupancy: The percentage value of sold units in relation to the units available to sell per business day at a specific moment. i.e., Occupancy = (Number of units occupied / (House count - Out of order)) * 100, where:
Number of units Occupied = Sum of Sold units and the Remaining units to be picked from Confirmed Blocks
- Available: Number of available units. i.e., Available = (House count - Out of order - Number of units occupied), where:
Number of units Occupied = Sum of Sold units and the Remaining units to be picked from Confirmed Blocks
- Available to sell: Number of minimum sellable units considering the availability adjustments.
- For the overall property, Available to sell = (Available + Allowed Overbooking)
- However, at a unit group level, we consider this value as, the minimum of a sellable unit count of the unit group vs the whole property. For example, on a given day if there are only 3 units sellable on a property, but 5 units sellable for a single unit group, the sellable count for the single unit group will be adjusted as 3. This situation can occur if another unit group or the whole house is overbooked.
- Possible overbooking: Number of overbookings possible on a given day considering if the tentatively blocked units get confirmed and if the unit group and/or the property has not got enough availability to sell.
Possible overbooking = (Available to sell - Tentatively blocked) if the value is negative.
You can also see the Possible overbooking number highlighted in RED on the availability screen at the unit group level, with the actual availability next to it. e.g.