Not all goods and services offered to your guests are provided directly by your hotel.
For example,
- A taxi ride charged to the room bill
- Breakfast at an external restaurant
- Opera tickets ordered by the concierge
To the guest, this distinction is irrelevant, and all items on the invoice appear the same. However, for your accountant, this distinction is crucial.
These services should not be recorded as revenue but as 'transitory items'. Transitory charges are exempt from VAT, as it is collected by the company providing the service. Additionally, the service provider must supply detailed receipts and invoices for your guests.
For Apaleo users, adding a transitory charge works just like adding a charge.
When posting a charge on a folio, consider whether the service is provided by the hotel or by a third party (such as a taxi company or a restaurant). If a third party provides the service, select a transitory charge.
You can also set up transitory charges as services for third-party services that you sell regularly.
How to Refund a Transitory Charge
To refund a transitory charge in Apaleo:
- Click on Add.
- Select Transitory Charge.
- Enter the same service or the same name of the service.
- Insert a negative amount.
For example, if you posted a 50 euros transitory charge for an excursion and want to delete it, add the same charge but enter -50 euros.