Steps to Manage a Group Booking
Once the group booking has been created and the rooms have been picked up, follow these steps:
- Select the routing function in the group booking and set a routing for the required charges to the group booking folio.
- Once the routing has been created, you can see the charges as a preview on the booking folio:
- If the company/group booker asked for a prepayment notice, click on Prepayment Notice and select the charges they would like to cover beforehand.
- Add the payment or check out on AR (deposit invoice) if the departure date has been arrived.
- Create the advanced invoice or invoice.
Additional Steps to Receive a Deposit for Groups:
For a group booking, you can receive a deposit fee even before the group is confirmed or reservations are picked from the group block.
To achieve this, follow the below steps on the booking folio of your group booking:
- On an empty booking folio belonging to a group, choose an option to Add a Deposit item.
- Add a deposit item by providing necessary information like it's description, service date, quantity, amount and it's VAT type.
Optionally you can add translated text for the item description in relative languages that needs to be used for your invoice generation.
- Deposit items don't contribute to the folio balance like charges and payments.
- Unlike charges, deposit items are not actual receivables. They never get posted and contribute to the revenue. Thus, they don't impact your accounting transactions.
- Their main purpose is to let you collect the deposits in advance even before the charges are available on the folio.
- The deposit items can be added / removed / modified at any point in time on the booking folio.
- You can generate the Prepayment notice for the selected Deposit Items on your booking folio, in a way similar to charges.
- Receive the deposit payment for the unpaid deposit items on the same folio.
- You can optionally generate the advance invoice on the received deposit payment for the deposit items.
The booking folio containing deposit items, can't have a final aka standard invoice!
- The received deposit payment can then be used later on for settling the actual charges, once they are available. Once your reservations are picked,
you can either remove the deposit items from the booking folio, as their purpose is done;
you can move the deposit payment to another booking folio, where you are collecting all your booking's actual charges (eg., through routing from underlying reservations).
Collect any balance as final payment, if necessary.
And create final invoice.