After creating rate plans, you need to set up rates. Each day with a price set is available for your guests.
Attention: If you do not set a price for a day, then you do not offer rooms with this rate plan on this day.
Pricing rule
Rate plans can derive their prices from another rate plan or define their own prices. With derived rates, the prices only need to be managed on one rate plan. The prices for all derived rate plans are calculated based on the pricing rules. This is useful if a rate plan is a variant of another rate plan: one with a different room type, cancellation policy, or included services.
Attention: apaleo allows for 3 levels of derived prices.
You can specify a price difference, as an absolute or a percent value. The difference can be negative or positive, allowing to give discounts or to add supplements on the base rate plan.
You can change the pricing rule at any time. This allows you to switch from manually managed rates to derived rates and the other way around or change the hierarchy of the calculation rules.
Set prices
Prices can only be set for rate plans which are not derived. Click on Set prices to open a dialog to enter prices for a specific time range. You can either define one price for the entire time range or define prices per weekday. The price set is always the price for single occupancy. The prices for additional occupancies will be calculated based on the surcharges defined in the rate plan settings. |