Automation Settings and VCCs
When using the automation settings
as well as
you sometimes run into the problem that some OTAs set the activation date for the VCCs to 1 day after check-in.
In this case, whether or not the payment will still be automatically collected depends on whether the channel manager submits the activation date to Apaleo. This is the case for all direct connectors (from the Apaleo Store) but not necessarily for channel managers.
When using a channel manager that does submit to Apaleo the activation date of the VCC, the system will only try to charge the VCC on that date.
If the activation date is not submitted, the system will try to activate the card 1 hour prior to check-in. The activation and hence the charging of the VCC upon check-in will then fail if the activation date is set after check-in. In this case, your action is required as you need to charge the VCC manually!
Charging VCCs Manually
Charging VCCs manually means you need to extract the VCC details again from the OTA extranet and re-enter them into Apaleo.
If you are unsure whether your channel manager submits activation dates to Apaleo, please get in contact with your channel manager's support team!
In any case, it is always advised to check your open balances on a daily basis.