In case you do not use a voucher app, you have as well the possibility to handle vouchers directly in apaleo.
Firstly you have to differentiate with your accountant/tax advisor between:
- Single Purpose Voucher: Voucher is used for a specifically defined service, e.g. voucher of one night accommodation for a value of 50%. In this case the service is specified and therefore the exact VAT of the service applies.
- Multi Purpose Voucher: Voucher is indicating only a value, e.g. 50 Euro for general use in the hotel. In this case it is not clear for which service the voucher will be used, therefore it will be treated without a VAT when selling it. Once it will be used as a payment, the VAT of the connected service has to be charged. This way is recommended and will be further explained in this guide. However please check with your accountant how to handle it for your specific hotel.
When using the multi purpose voucher, you have to setup a service for the voucher with an corresponding sub-account and the VAT set to 'Without'. How to create an service can be found here: Setting up Services.
Selling the voucher:
- Open an external folio through Finance - Folios.
- On the folio screen press Create external folio and a pop-up window will open to ask you if you want to create the folio for a guest or a company. Choose the needed one and insert the name.
- Once the folio opened, you can handle it the same way as you would do with a folio of an in-house guest.
- Charge the created service for the voucher through +add charge and post a payment against it to create an invoice for the buyer.
- With the creation of the invoice, you can for example add the invoice number to the voucher you are handing out to the client.
Using the voucher at the hotel as a payment:
- If a guest wants to use his voucher as a payment for a service he received at your hotel, you can do this directly on the folio of the reservation.
- Open the folio and press + Add payment.
- Choose the payment method Voucher and add the amount to be used.
- Now the VAT of the used service is absorbed and the payment is posted in your revenues with the code '1116 Voucher'.