Which cloud TSEs are available to Apaleo customers in Germany?
What are the next steps for hotels in Germany?
Which cloud TSEs are available to Apaleo customers in Austria?
What are the next steps for hotels in Austria?
How many TSEs are needed?
Which payments will be counted as cash sales?
What does the TSE activation mean for our users and our front of house?
If your data, e.g. company name or VAT ID, changes:
What is a technical security device (TSE)?
A technical security device is a security module in electronic cash registers that is used for the complete and unalterable recording of all cash register transactions. The TSE can be provided as hardware, for example via a USB stick on the cash register or, for cloud solutions, as an online signature unit (cloud TSE). As Apaleo is a cloud solution, only a cloud TSE can be used with Apaleo.
Which cloud TSEs are available to Apaleo customers in Germany?
Due to the seamless integration of fiskaly, we have decided to use fiskaly via our fiscal partner efsta IT Services GmbH.
fiskaly sign from efsta IT Services GmbH:
Term of at least 1 year and 13 months, first termination after one year at the end of each month with 13 months' notice.
Payment monthly from delivery
Price per month: €6.00*
What are the next steps for hotels in Germany?
In Germany, Apaleo works with efsta IT Services GmbH, a provider of fiscal solutions. Apaleo takes care of ordering the TSE. The contract for the TSE is concluded directly with efsta IT Services GmbH and the amount per TSE is paid to the provider.
The process is as follows:
- We assign a unique cash register ID for a property and register it in the efsta Cloud as an electronic cash register.
- We order a Fiskaly sign Cloud TSE for you from efsta IT Services GmbH, which can be used to sign transactions. The cloud TSE costs EUR 6.00 per month with annual termination.
- Once everything is set up, we send all relevant transactions to efsta for logging and signing. We receive the signature back and use it to create a receipt.
How is the necessary data transferred to my MeinElster account?
- With the terminal order form, we also ask for your company's MeinElster data, e.g. name of the Elster contact, address and legal form of the company name.
- As soon as the TSE has been activated, we store the data with our fiscalization partner, who then sends you an email to confirm your user.
- As soon as you have confirmed your email, efsta will send you another email including a link to the Efsta portal, which you can use to create an XML file that can then be read into MeinElster. This means that all the required data is then sent to MeinElster.
Which cloud TSEs are available to Apaleo customers in Austria?
In Austria, we use the primeSign efsta Small from efsta IT Services GmbH.
Up to two Apaleo hotels can be linked to this certificate as long as they have the same legal entity. If several hotels under same the legal entity require a TSE certificate, please inform Apaleo before ordering the certificate, as other options are also available. Automatic renewal for one year, can be canceled in writing one month before expiry.
Price per year: €25.83*
*Prices exclude VAT and handling fee.
What are the next steps for hotels in Austria?
Apaleo takes over the ordering of the TSE from efsta IT Services GmbH, a provider of fiscal solutions. The contract for the TSE is concluded directly with efsta IT Services GmbH and the amount per TSE is settled with the provider.
The procedure is as follows:
- We assign a unique cash register ID for a property and register it in the efsta cloud as an electronic cash register.
- We order the primeSign efsta Small from efsta IT Services GmbH for you, which can be used to sign transactions.
- Once everything is set up, we send all relevant transactions to efsta for logging and signing. We receive the signature back and use it to create a receipt.
- efsta also keeps the transaction journal and automatically transmits the initial receipt and all future monthly and annual receipts to FinanzOnline online. In order for the receipts to be transmitted online, we need a "User for cash register web service" with the following data from you:the participant identification;
the user identification;
the corresponding pin. - This user does not have access to the FinanzOnline portal, but can only register and deregister cash registers and transmit receipts via the tax authority's API.
How many TSEs are required?
In Germany: Each cash register requires its own TSE. In Apaleo, each hotel is to be regarded as a cash register. The physical devices in which Apaleo is executed in the browser are input devices for one and the same cash register. You must therefore order as many TSEs as you have hotels set up in your Apaleo account if you want to book cash sales in the respective hotel.
In Austria: Up to two Apaleo hotels can be linked to the same certificate as long as they have the same legal entity. If several hotels under same the legal entity require a TSE certificate, please inform Apaleo before ordering the certificate, as other options are also available.
Which payments will be counted as cash sales?
Payments that are posted via the Apaleo user interface and fulfill the following criteria are considered cash sales and result in a receipt being created automatically:
- Payments via the payment terminal on site
- Payments via "Other" payment methods, if the selected payment method is not Airbnb, Bank Transfer,, PayPal or Other
What does the TSE activation mean for our users and our front of house?
With the TSE activation and resulting changeover to payment receipts, it will be necessary to select the services that are settled with the payment when posting payments in Apaleo. A receipt is then automatically generated for cash sales and displayed in the user interface for opening and printing.
If your data, e.g. company name or VAT ID, changes:
In the event of any changes, please contact our support team at We require a lead time, especially for changes to your VAT ID, as in most cases a completely new TSE must be ordered.